Jacinto wore a yellow bracelet on her left wrist, which defense lawyers said identifies parents who are arrested with their children and prosecuted in Operation Streamline, a fast-track program for illegal border crossers.I would like to think the yellow bracelet was an unthinking oversight, and that's halfway believable given how bad most Americans are at history, but it's too much of a coincidence.
I'm lead to wonder, how long until ICE detention centers become death camps? I mean, in one sense they already are, with the highest number of custodial deaths in nearly a decade and with the agency itself seeking to cover up evidence of its own crimes.
But with this administration's antipathy toward immigrants and ICE's flagrant disregard for both constitutional and human rights, there will be a point in time when some sort of order will be given, or implied, and the murders will begin in earnest.
At what point do we rise against it, and how?
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