Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Testament of Judas now $0 for a limited time only!

"What's that?" you say. "Zero dollars, as in free?"

Yes, indeed, totally free copies of the ebook available right now!

"What's the catch?"

Not much of one, my friend. Just go to right now, and you can get one of 13 copies of The Testament of Judas, with the understanding that if you do download a free copy, you will in return post a review once you've read it.

That's it! Easy-peasy!

But! Once the thirteenth copy is gone, that's it. If you've been on the fence about reading this book, don't pass up this opportunity.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Evangelizing the Old-Fashioned Way

Ever want to get the word out about The Testament of Judas, but just aren't sure how to go about it?

How about passing out tracts to random strangers on the street? It works for regular Christians, right?

We here at ICoEDNUF have worked up an old-school one-page tract that is free for downloading. Print out a stack of 'em and go to town! Feel free to leave them in gas station restrooms, 24-hour laundromats, and wherever you find flimsy evangelical literature!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Testament of Judas sale!