Saturday, December 16, 2017

"Sacrifices" - Short Story Now Available

A short read (about 2300 words), available for free if you're a subscriber to Kindle Unlimited, otherwise it's .99¢ - cheap!

From the Amazon description: "The Bible tells us that after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they had two sons, Cain and Abel, and that Cain killed his brother out of jealousy. But what if the first murder was committed for another reason? "Sacrifices" offers an alternate look at the first family, one that suggests a very different motive for Cain's act.

If you've ever read Genesis and asked yourself "why?" then this story is for you."

The story was inspired when I was rereading Genesis (as one does), and came across a couple of details that don't match up about who gets to eat what at the beginning of time, as I have written about previously. That got me to thinking about the whole Cain/Abel story and seeking an alternate explanation for why Cain kills his brother. This also gave me the opportunity to rethink Adam and Eve's relationship and present it in (I hope) a more sympathetic light.

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